I see you have cancelled your payment.

Hey, no worries! Times are tough out there.

The Pet Informed website will always remain free to all my readers. After all, it is my passion to educate the public on veterinary matters and I will never charge my readers money to access this information. I simply enjoy doing it.

It is my aim to one day be able to create this website full time so that I can put my information out there much faster and more rapidly expand on the quality and scope of my site for my readers.

Tips and donations generously given to the Pet Informed website contribute to the ongoing upkeep and running of the site. After all, like all things these days, websites can be quite expensive to maintain and every little bit of help given to me by my readers certainly helps to lighten the load. Contributions are most appreciated.

I hope you enjoy reading my pages and that you keep on visiting the site often as it expands. If you'd like to donate or leave a tip one day, that'd be great. If not, just your readership and referral to friends and family would also be of fantastic help.

Very best regards and happy reading,

Dr. Shauna (Pet Informed).